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Oil Dewatering

Finally rid your oil of water!

Basically, there are two types of water that accumulate in oil: free water and emulsified water.

Emulsified water binds in oil because the properties of the oil allow a certain amount of water to be held in suspension wiithout it forming a water phase. The water can now no longer be separated from the oil by mechanical separation processes. In such a situation the only solution is oil dewatering using a vacuum Oil Dewatering System.

Free water, on the other hand, only occurs as soon as the oil is already saturated with water and can therefore no longer bind water. The water therefore accumulates as sediment in the tank and can be brought into the process as tiny droplets during pump circulation. However, the free water droplets can be removed from the oil thanks to various filters.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Do something good for your plant by reducing wear on your machines with oil dewatering from FRIESS.
  • Our system allows dewatering down to a residual water content of less than 50 ppm.
  • Efficiently remove water, gases and particles with FRIESS.
  • Our systems are quick and easy to install.
Unsere Systeme zur Ölentwässerung
Oil Dewatering VOD16
Vacuum oil dewatering for particularly thorough dewatering down to below 50 ppm.
Learn more
Ölentwässerung und Vakuumölentwässerung von FRIESS

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