Oil skimmer S100 in use by edible oil manufacturer

A manufacturer of seed oils has the problem that the process water required for the production process is contaminated with oils at various points.

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The existing waste water treatment is not sufficient to separate the oil from the water to a sufficient degree, so that the waste water is not sufficiently treated The recovered oil could also be reused in various industrial applications under certain circumstances.

Due to the inefficiency of the previous separation system, the water content of the collected oil was too high. Evaporating the separated water would be too energy-intensive and the strong heating of the seed oil would lead to a loss of quality. An efficient, sustainable solution had to be found that could ideally separate the oil from the waste water mechanically.

The solution: Oil skimmer S 100

S 100 after installation

The decision was made to use a model S 100 oil skimmer. Due to the settling of the oil-water mixture in the collection tank, a large proportion of the oil settles on the surface. This is amplified by the neutralization that also takes place in the tank. The alkaline oil-water mixture is neutralized with sulphuric acid, which also cracks the finest oil droplets dissolved in the water, causing them to rise to the surface. This allows the oil film that forms to be removed by the S 100 oil skimmer.

Oil Skimmer S100 in operation

The use of an oil collector tube, which covers the entire width of the basin and therefore acts as an oil boom, allows the oil film to be removed. Two stainless steel tube guides ensure that the tube is properly guided in the desired area and that the tube moves evenly.

The skimmed oil now has a sufficiently low water content so that no further reduction is necessary and the oil can be used directly for other applications.


According to current calculations, the S 100 drains approx. 30 liters of oil per hour into the collection tank. The customer is very satisfied with this performance.

The S 100 contributes in a simple and sustainable way to keeping the wastewater oil-free and the largely water-free skimmed oil can be used in various industrial applications.

The powerful S 100 oil skimmer is particularly suitable for large sedimentation tanks due to its flexible tube length, which can be adapted to the size of the tank. The durable stainless steel and ceramic components make it particularly low-maintenance and the ideal solution even in chemically aggressive baths.

This project was carried out by our partner from Turkey:
Flogaz Kimyevi Madde Makina San. ve Tic. A.S.