Examples for the application of FRIESS oil skimmers

FRIESS oil skimmers are mainly used in four areas of application. Find out more about the possible applications here.

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The most common areas of application for FRIESS oil skimmers

  • Cooling water
  • Waste water treatment
  • Cooling lubricants
  • Washing and degreasing systems
  • Other possible applications

Oil skimmer Application cases

Cooling water

Here the skimmer is mainly used on large circulation systems for cooling water. Typical applications: Steel industry and edible oil manufacturers. In these operations, oil constantly enters the cooling water circuit, either as a result of the process or accidents. This oil can be removed very easily with the FRIESS oil skimmer because there is a sufficiently large settling basin and the oil floats to the surface.

Waste water treatment

In waste water treatment plants, the oil/water mixture is first collected in a buffer tank.

The layer of oil that floats to the surface can be easily and simply removed with the skimmer before further treatment steps take place. this significantly reduces the amount of chemicals needed to treat the waste water.

Cooling lubricants

Here, the skimmers are used either on central systems or on individually filled machine tools. The leakage oil from the machine’s lubrication and hydraulics must be removed from the coolant in order to prevent bacterial infestation and the coolant from going bad. In coolant treatment systems, a thick layer of tramp oil usually floats in the buffer tank, which must be removed with a skimmer to prevent the membranes of ultrafiltration systems upstream from clogging. With other treatment methods, the use of skimmers considerably improves the consumption of chemicals and the throughput time.

Degreasing systems

The majority of washing and degreasing systems today work with alkaline detergents.

The washed off oil and grease is either emulsified or separated on the surface of the washing solution. The floating grease can either be separated directly in the degreasing system or in a separate sedimentation tank.

These degreasing systems can be found throughout surface treatment technology and metalworking.

Other applications

Wet scrubbers are often used for exhaust air purification in die casting foundries and in chipboard processing. A large amount of molding and release agent or adhesive is also precipitated here, which floats on the bath surface and can be removed with a skimmer.

Sludge trap under oil skimmer model S 100
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